PLC Project: Vending Machine

This is the PLC project that Ryan Cassidy and I were working on during the second semester. In the image, you can see a DC power supply (the black box on the left) We set the DC voltage at 2v d.c, it is enough to power the motors and is the maximum voltage the LED can handle (after multi-failed testing)
On the right of the power supply is the PLC.
The second black box in the front is a vending machine.

This is the vending machine. There are a total of 9 buttons, 5 motors and a LED. Each device on the machine will be explained later. There are 5 different choices of energy drinks, they are displayed on the machine. These drinks are: Rockstar, Red Bull, Demon, V and Mother (in order from top to bottom.)Each product is priced at $1.00.
In the image: 4 push button at the far right simulate these coins,from the top to bottom is 10c, 20c, 50c and $1. Each can be pressed until it reaches $1 (the price of the product) and then the LED is lit.
In the image: A LED and 5 energy drink push buttons (next to the coin push buttons and on each colourful banner of energy drink). The LED will be lit after it reaches $1 and then these buttons will be activated, to be pressed and the motor will be operating. They can only be pressed once and one motor will be running for 5 seconds.
In the image: 5 motors. Most parts of the motor are hiding in the back. This part on the front will be displaying the motion of the motor after it has been activated.
Back and Connections.
In the image: This is the back of the Vending Machine, you can see the motors and wiring.
In the image: 5 motors.
In the Image: This is the connection of wiring from the power supply and PLC to the vending machine.
In the images: The connections. The first image is the output leading up to the motors and the LED, it is also connected to the DC power supply. Second image is the input, for all the push buttons.
The presentation of this project will be on the 17 of June, Thursday.
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